Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cynically funny

Hahaha. Kelakar bila seseorang yang cakap berapi dan meletup dan ingat orang yang mendengar dia cakap tu bodoh. Sebab bila dia cakap dia mengesahkan lagi kebodohan dan ke'poser'an dia. Sikap berhati-hati bila bercakap memang perlu sebab kemungkinan orang yang mendengar dia cakap tu lebih pandai, bijak, atau berpengalaman.

Kinda funny and pathetic. Like the saying goes, never bullshit bullshiters. They can see it in your eyes.But if you still have the balls to do it, you won't even see what strikes you next time. Child's play i'd say.

And one more, be careful of who you speak to when you talk bad about someone behind his back. They might be brothers.

Okay, enough with the entertainment for tonight. =)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


eyh silap.. a lot

ok. i'm going out

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

look at it...

not negative but realistic; not unrealistic but optimistic

it's really pathetic. giving up? not a chance. things will get better.

that's the promise. the end is not here.

cannot change people; one can change oneself

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A Tale of a Hunter

A hunter won't shoot at  two birds who are singing to each other - because
it's the highest degree of love when two birds are singing to each other.

The hunter wishes he can be a bird too.

1st week baru

malacca trip, again..
banyak benda gak buat.
jalan2 cari makan.
karaoke kat jeti tapi service and sound cam harom
gi jalan2 ke johor gak
bbq kat atas bukit kat bukit beruang tu entah apa nama.letih mendaki.tempat grill buat sendiri.masak air.sekali ayam beli kat maidin masam daa..nasib baik ada sosej dan otak2.bentang carpet, dan berbaring menikmati keindahan malam yg nyaman dan pemandangan bandar melaka.oo, melaka maju 2010.
dan macam2 lagi buat, tak ingat detail.
result keluar sudeyh. syukur.

selamat pulang ke gagang. kembali kepada kehidupan yg penuh tanggungjawab.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

2 weeks break

Cuti yg pendek tapi byk aktiviti dan agak produktif.
trip ke Melaka,Muar,Tangkak - sambil berlumba harom- , mandi  di air terjun Gunung Ledang dan mandi hujan sbb tetiba hujan lebat
open houses
tak buat apa2 - like what the Italian says, the pleasure of doing nothing
muet speaking test - harom
tolong Pet Detective - membawa lebih dari 5 ekor arnab, dibahagi2 pada orang.
malangnya sekor mati.punca taktau.mungkin sbb berpisah dgn buah hati atau tak dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan tempat baru.
main Fifa baru kat Xbox - lawa gila grafik
gotong royong trim pokok, potong rumput, gali lubang etc.
sambut birthday Pan - mula2 gi San Francisco Hotel tp penuh terus pergi Equatorial - beef tenderloin medium well - emmm yummy
Kemungkinan malam ni ada BBQ di kediaman cik manis, dirancang dan 'ditaja' oleh ms party planner, beth cooper - yummy lagi
result exam belum keluar, esok start kelas, nice.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What we don't have...

The place that seems romantic and special is always somewhere else.
What seems most desirable is always the thing we don't have.
If we can only see our home and possessions the way others see them, perhaps we would no longer take them for granted.
Each place.. each thing.. each person is beautiful in it's own right.
Being grateful is one the keys to happiness.

-lapar siot..nak makan..mari berjalan cari makan-